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February 16, 2017
No one can completely predict the future, but current trends and emerging technology provide excellent indicators as to where the world is moving. That movement suggests what the grocery store of the future may look like a decade from now.
In 2025, the food retail customer experience will likely be both omniformat and omnichannel, meaning that shoppers will control how, where and when they shop. Likewise, the shopping trip will be heavily lifestyle-driven, with shoppers expressing many concerns and goals through the stores they shop and products they select.
To survive, retailers will need to offer personalization, possibly through countless digital touch points, before, during and after the trip. Shopping will be aided by technology appearing today, such as tabletop devices that can interact with the family or individual health trackers.
A thorough examination of these trends, along with historic context on how past services and needs are morphing into these issues, can be found in Surviving the Brave New World of Food Retailing: A Roadmap to Relevance, the new report from the Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council North America.
The report, written in conjunction with Kurt Salmon Associates, is available for free download here.