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Passing the Torch to a New Generation

May 9, 2011

Any mid-level manager looking to move up the corporate ladder knows the rules of success: dress for the job you want and learn from the people above you. For such managers in the supermarket industry, the learning part is about to get a shot of adrenaline.

Imagine having a chance to learn priorities, insights, tactics and more from top-level retail leadership. It’s an incredible opportunity to super-charge a career and the chance is coming today.

During this May’s FMI Future Connect Conference aimed at building leadership skills, The Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council will offer a glimpse at key studies geared to building management talents and improved performance. The reports will be presented in a special pre-conference session on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 5 p.m.

Council reports — created by retailers for other retailers — address a wide range of issues from competition to marketing to store conditions and, of course, to management. At the May 9 session, attendees will learn about four recent studies from The CCRRC North America. The featured topics are:

Join Bill Bishop, NACS/Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council research director and Willard Bishop Consulting founder, and me for the hour-long session on Monday. And, throughout Future Connect, please visit the Coca‑Cola gathering place for refreshments and a chance to learn more about how you can secure Council reports at no charge.

Michael Sansolo
Research Director
Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council